The beginning (Of the End ? )

The beginning (Of the End ? )

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The beginning

Ahh a blog finally.... I thought what the heck... lets jump onto the bandwagon of bloggers... everyone seems to be doing it these days... It seems to have become a medium for people to express their (pseudo)intellectuality. Dont brand me a cynic yet (After all I have joined :) )... Its an interesting concept with its own quirks.. but atleast it forces people to think, which seems to have become a rarity these days..Im just thinking of this as a medium to express a few random thoughts.. some things which i might laugh at ten years down the line, maybe be embarassed... Or i might not even care. I might probably lose interest soon, but again, its the cynic in me that speaks.. so lets be optimistic....

Enough of my random warbling for now... ill probably put down a few cohesive lines when i have a little more idea of what im doing here... Not just here as in here in cyberspace.. but also in this country.. I mean what am I really doing here and why? Its a very existentialist question and ill probably "figure something out" as my boss says... as I have been doing all along.. But essentially its a little difficult to understand how i got here in such a mess.. so totally immersed in a life which is so alien to what i "think" i should be doing. Notice the "think" within quotes as it is not necessarily an opinion shared by others.

Well if youre really still reading this post then this means you really have nothing much to do or youre able to make sense of some things which I still havent been able to figure out. But the story starts in class 9. I had this grand idea of software professionals. i used to think that they belong to some other planet with all the good things in life and I (why I have no idea) aspired to be one. By a stroke of luck I landed a job with one, despite a pathetic education which offered no practical knowledge. By the time i realised im not cut out for all this, It was too late, and hence, then end result - me sitting here in some lonely philadelphia suburb after a hectic so called "onsite" life as a software professional listening to Shakti and writing this post who probably a cumulutative of 5 people might read and curse me for wasting their time.

Well, that probably wasnt a very happy beginning, but I hope to write more interesting things, because there have been plenty of such events in a very eventful few years


Animesh said...

Good start dada!
Keep them coming, i have lots of time to read.

Priyanka Sarkar said...

Good start indeed!!!But hasn't it been quite a while??watching this space for more...keep blogging!!

AMIT said...

Start start from you.

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